Lee Min Ho Siblings

Lee Min Ho Siblings

Who is Lee Min Ho Siblings in real life? What is the name of his Brother? What is the name of his Sister?

Who could ever forget Gu Jun-Pyo in Boys Over Flowers? The quintessential actor who played the most popular boy in school and leader of F4, Lee Min-ho. Besides acting, Min-ho is a model, businessman, and creative director.

Lee Min-ho (Korean: 이민호) was born on June 22, 1987 in Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul. He has the youngest (maknae) in the family. And has an older sister by the name of Yoon-Jeong Lee.

What not a lot of people know is that Min-ho wanted to become a professional football player. But due to his injury, he had to let go of his dream and turned to acting instead.

Brother NameN/A
Sister NameYoon-Jeong Lee


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